Of course, we pray at our prayer groups, rosary cenacles, But before those tripos Papers I bow my head in humble, The gregariousness even of some believers is a huddling together against God rather than, There is the inexpiable offence against my, As it seemed to me at the time, such a grand embodiment of, I had an unpleasant mental vision of the dark road, of the sombre grounds, and the desolately suspicious aspect of that home of necromancy and intrigue and feminist. At the end of the communion rite the prayer-book, in view of the ordinance to receive the Sacrament kneeling, adds the following: " It is hereby declared, that thereby no adoration is intended, or ought to be done, either unto the Sacramental Bread or Wine, there bodily received, or unto any Corporal Presence of Christ's natural Flesh and Blood. 3. Griffiths plays a maverick but inspirational teacher who wins the adoration of his sixth-formers as they study to win a place at Oxbridge.
Kneeling with a view to adoration of the elements was unheard of in the primitive church, and the Armenian Fathers of the 12th century insist that the sacrament was intended by Christ to be eaten and not gazed at (Nerses, op.
The evidence from modern India can be supplemented by the medieval and ancient Indian sources, and, in particular, by the representations of the adoration of snake-deities on the Buddhist topes of Sanchi and Amravati. The church of St Mary is Perpendicular, with a fine porch, a painting of the Adoration of the Magi, attributed to Rubens, a small crypt said to have been used by Cromwell as a prison for the Royalists, and many interesting monuments. Her flattered little head was almost turned at this time with the adoration she had received.
Her flattered little head was almost turned at this time with the, It was a bonny baby: the whole company was united in, She was bending forward, smiling, flattering her escort with the, She pursed up her little lips for a kiss, she flung frantic arms of, It burns his soul to emptiness, and sets it free For, Most affectionate they are to me, and the babe is taken into, It was joy to forego one's apple to swell the fruitage of, There were analogies between his devotion and the, That he had remained faithful to his wife in spite of this, She took for granted that he would share her attitude towards her father as he had shared her, The whole decoration of a temple consisted therefore in an act of, She has an inner repugnance to him; but he is a clergyman, and that means a great deal to a girl in the, She adored Maria above any living thing, and just in proportion to the, In this way a Monotheism is reached; the mind recognises a god to whom unlimited, If there is anything immoral, cruel, heartless or infamous, it certainly was never written by a being worthy of the, The breast of Mary is the fountain of the stars, and round it fly the seraphim in flaming, The second great characteristic of Aryan religion is its, Here is a public, practical declaration to all the world, that there is a God, and that, That soul and spirit and sense may meet In, Adoration in a sentence | Short example sentence for adoration, Ram in a sentence | Short example sentence for ram, Fancy in a sentence | Short example sentence for fancy, Sword in a sentence | Short example sentence for sword, Stay Home in a sentence | Short example sentence for stay home, Banter in a sentence | Short example sentence for banter, Who Does in a sentence | Short example sentence for who does, Villa in a sentence | Short example sentence for villa, Ask You in a sentence | Short example sentence for ask you, Storming in a sentence | Short example sentence for storming, Connotations in a sentence | Short example sentence for connotations, Provocation in a sentence | Short example sentence for provocation, Distaste in a sentence | Short example sentence for distaste, Indifference in a sentence | Short example sentence for indifference, Weakness in a sentence | Short example sentence for weakness, Misogynist in a sentence | Short example sentence for misogynist, Judgment in a sentence | Short example sentence for judgment, Devotion in a sentence | Short example sentence for devotion, Words to describe Adoration | Adoration Adjectives.