On the other hand, the TDC has strong surface influx in summer, which weakens by October. The Andaman Sea, which extends over 92°E to 100°E and 4°N to 20°N, occupies a very significant position in the Indian Ocean, yet remained unexplored for long period of time. Pandanus is a densely arranged, wedge-shaped fruit that has an immensely hard, woody and fibrous body in which several narrow, edible seeds are embedded. 1975; 1−179pp, History of Indian influence on Southeast Asia, General Circulation and Principal Wave Modes in Andaman Sea from Observations, Glossary of Terms Appearing on Maps of the Netherlands East Indies, "2002 Chapman Conference on Continent – Ocean Interactions within the East Asian Marginal Seas", "Implications of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra–Andaman Earthquake on Tsunami Forecast and Assessment Models for Great Subduction-Zone Earthquakes", New findings super-size our tsunami threat. Interested in visiting Andaman? Picture taken on March 1, 2005. Marco Polo is even believed to have given a name for one of the islands in Andaman. The name Nicobar seems to be a corruption of the South Indian term ‘Nakkavaram’ (Land of the Naked) as indicated in the great Tanjore inscription of AD 1050. In the next era, Andaman Islands territory was handed to Indian government in 2 October 1944. 16. [12]:7–8, D. Chandrasekharam, Jochen Bundschuh (2002), Baumgartner A, Riechel E. The World Water Balance, Mean Annual Global, Continental and Maritime Precipitation, Evaporation and Runoff, Elsevier. The location of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands straddles one of the most critical naval and trade choke points in the world. 19. [2] The sea floor is covered with pebbles, gravel, and sand.[1]. Of those 710,000 tonnes, 490,000 are accounted for by trawling (1,017 vessels), 184,000 by purse seine (415 vessels), and about 30,000 by gillnets.
But based on the genetic evidence, culture, and language, it shows that Andaman Islands has been occupied since 30.000 – 60.000 years ago. TDC is 600 m deep and lies between Little Andaman and Car Nicobar. In 2004 a tsunami did major damage to the tourist and fishery industry infrastructure of the Andaman Sea and its coastal regions. Getting to know Vanuatu, an island country in... Papua New Guinea: Characteristics to Its Natural Appearance. It is Angamanain Island. OF ISLAND 556 CAPITAL PORT BLAIR WHETHER SUMMER 30 D.C FOREST AREA 86 % OF TOTAL AREA FOREST COVER 92% RAIN 3180 mm … 15. In the 13th century, a very well known explorer, Marco Polo visited Andaman Islands. [3] An intense surface outflux through GC, of the order of 40 cm/s, occurs during summers and winters.
The Andaman Coast. The name Andaman is presumed to be derived from Hanuman, who was known to the Malays as Handuman. The next colony was done by The Great Britain in 1858 after the first trial in 1789 – 1796 failed. 11. Due to the volcano, the sea around the islands is very potent for scuba diving. The sea has long been used for fishing and transportation of goods between the coastal countries. TOURIST
The distance from Sabang to the south of Andaman Islands is only 150 km. The only active volcano of the Indian subcontinent is located to the east of the Great Andaman island group - called Barren Island. In addition to that, the facts will increase your interest in the island. A significant part of the Thai mangrove forests in the Andaman Sea was removed during the extensive brackish water shrimp farming in 1980s[citation needed]. The average surface water temperature is 26–28 °C in February and 29 °C in May. The 20 rupee note depicts a scene from Andaman and Nicobar islands. ALL SEASON
Today we are going to introduce you to some similar facts of Andaman Nicobar. Traditional… The Andaman Sea is located north of Sumatra, west of Thailand, south of Burma, and is considered to be part of the Indian Ocean. Katchal Island experienced the first sunlight of this millennium. Amazing, History, Famous Fun Facts About Andaman Nicobar For Tourists and Kids Sea currents are south-easterly and easterly in winter and south-westerly and westerly in summer. The western and central half of the sea is 3,000 to 10,000 feet (900 to 3,000 metres) deep. Andaman Islands is exactly located in Benggala Bay. [12]:18–19, The sea's mineral resources include tin deposits off the coasts of Malaysia and Thailand.