margin: auto; Thank you for visiting the “Chausie Kittens for Sale in the USA” page of Local Kittens For Sale! It is so dark you almost can't see the markings because they are all nearly the same shade of black. The Chausie breed standard allows three colors: solid black, black grizzled tabby, and brown-ticked tabby. Chausies are large and built for running and jumping thanks to their tall legs. References, Size: MediumEnergy: CalmCoat: ShortTalkative: YesKid Friendly: Yes. While they have very long legs, and seem to be rather large cats, they weigh surprisingly less than expected. Their cheekbones are prominent and their eyes are flattened at the top, forming a half oval below. Welcome to the World of Exotic Cats! The ideal Chausie has been described as "fearless, but not aggressive.". The Chausie is a large, short-haired cat resembling a small cougar. These qualify as wonderful pets—however, only cats in the three permissible colors can be entered in new breed classes at cat shows, and only the three colors are eligible for championship classes. That's the grizzled pattern. If you are searching for a less popular cat breed, it can sometimes be difficult to find the perfect kitten breeder (or any breeder) locally near you. Cats Available for Adoption adoption application Our cats live in foster homes while waiting to find their own forever homes. In general, Chausies accept other cats, and dogs as well, but they aren't an ideal choice for people with very small children, lots of precious breakables, or a low tolerance for mischief. The Chausie may be just the breed for you. margin-left: 0; - answer: "a CAT THAT LOOKS WILD"...look no further. Their eyes are gold or yellow but light shades of green also exist. T.I.C.A. In the last week I have been searching on the net for a large cat and seen the chausie cats and I would like to buy a female kitten can someone please get back to me to let me know if there is any kittens available thanks Rachelle. Our goal is to make good matches for both adopters and animals. Our goal is to help you locate the perfect cat breeder near you; one who is reputable, trustworthy, and honest. The Chausie is a hybrid cat resulting from a cross between wild Jungle Cats and domesticated breeds. If you have never owned a Chausie before, or are interested in reading more information on these amazing cats, check out our Chausie Cat Breed Information page. Rather frenzied as kittens, the adult cat is typically more serene but retains a playful kitten-like demeanor and avid curiosity through its life to keep things interesting for you. Call us: (727) 451-9750 | Contact Mail us: Wuuff, Inc. 7901 4th St N STE 300 Saint Petersburg FL 33702Call Us (727) 451-9750 Contact, Disclaimer • Privacy Policy • Terms of ServiceDisclaimer Privacy Policy Terms of Service, Add widgets to the Sub Footer at Appearance > Widgets, This site is served, operated and maintained by®.