Emotionally laden or condemning adjectives do not belong in news stories. Watch out for headlines. Beware of gossip and calumny. In the following pages are addressed in detail the General Moral Principles summarized below, as well as the Specific Issues and their related moral principles. You can receive trusted Catholic content delivered to your inbox in choosing from the numerous EWTN News outlets. Long may it continue. One I’m reading now is 60 Days to Becoming a Missionary Disciple by Father John Bartunek. Read more . One may even vote for a political enemy of morality and freedom, but only to exclude a worse one. Being a bad Catholic is easy. ), must be argued and negotiated. Prudence is the Queen of Virtues, as it governs the knowledge and judgment of our acts. Is prayer included? … This is what will make the internet a genuinely human space, for if there is no room for Christ, there is no room for man.” —Pope St. John Paul II.
Seeking holiness lives just alongside noticing how much holier you are compared to others. I have learned so much more about the Catholic Church since I tuned into this programme many years ago. I love you but God loves you lots. Headlines sometimes sensationalize and do not accurately represent the story. Frequenting Catholic websites should encourage union with Catholic teaching and loving God and others, but some sites actually encourage sin. Not commenting might be due to guilt, but we cannot assume that.
Also read good books such as the classic The Imitation of Christ by Thomas á Kempis. Those two loves — love for God and love for neighbor — constitute the only path of true lasting fulfillment. Constant negativity. My advent donation enclosed. Copyright © 2020 St Clare Media (EWTN) Limited. Consider also if the sources are reputable. I’m not against reporting bad news, but I’m against reveling in it or having it dominate. Guilt is not by association. How can we not be? Bad sites sometimes make statements without citing sources. The phrase “if it bleeds it leads” directs newsrooms because fear, horror and anger attract attention.
But be leery of someone who writes an unchristian article full of gossip and then asks us to pray for the subject, as if that exonerates the author. We may sometimes tolerate material cooperation under certain conditions described in the Churchâs teaching on moral cooperation and on the Principle of Double Effect. In democracies the principal political expression of this responsibility is voting. The first principle of morality is to do good and avoid evil. "The ideal politician for me is the one who has concern about your soul â that you have freedom of religion, peace and joy, work, security and assurance. Also read good books such as the classic, 60 Days to Becoming a Missionary Disciple, Saints and Holy People: St Wenceslaus & St…, Chapel of the Miraculous Image - Holy Mass, Chapel of the Miraculous Image - Holy Mass - Sep…, The People of Praise Community: What It Actually Is, Pope Francis asks order to keep spreading devotion to St. Michael the Archangel, Alice von Hildebrand on the Lost Sense of the Supernatural and Feminism, Chronic Illness Teaches Us How to Suffer During COVID-19, EWTN Novena to the Mother of God for the United States, Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie - 09/28/20 - Hymns Can Move the Soul, Called to Communion - 09/28/20 - with Dr. David Anders. I enjoy your service, I used it quite a lot when I got injured and could not go to Mass, also followed the Rosary and prayed it a lot even when I was too ill to say it. Man wants to ‘do; but above all else he must ‘be.’”. What good are they doing? Tabloids love it; Catholics should shun it. Beware of adjectives. Many thanks, and Merry Christmas. “From this galaxy of sight and sound will the face of Christ emerge and the voice of Christ be heard? Being a bad Catholic is easy. Get Trusted Catholic News in Your Inbox! We are all called to preach the Good News. “Followers of Christ are called not only to know and love God more and more,” he wrote, “but also to be God’s partner in bringing others to do the same, thereby lovingly helping them discover the ‘pearl of great price’ (Matthew 13:46). Given the recent scandals in our Church, we are all cynics now to one degree or another. Catholic Charismatic Renewal experts say that members of communities like the one associated with Amy Coney Barrett are ‘wonderful examples’ of how lay Catholics can live out their faith.<. Regarding sexual and financial scandals in the Church, those are sad realities that I think the laity should know about. However, when a good candidate opposes an unworthy one voting is more seriously obliged. Keep up the good work. Seeking holiness lives just alongside noticing how much holier, To inoculate yourself from getting off the Christian path, read the words of Jesus in Scripture.
By your example will all men know. life, liberty) are the most important. Thank you. If a site you visit is stuck in a negative universe, get out and recalibrate. “No comment” does not equal guilt. To inoculate yourself from getting off the Christian path, read the words of Jesus in Scripture. Everything Catholic voters need to know before picking up a ballot. In all of this Catholic teaching gives us concrete guidance. I thank you all for your love to us all, for the world. I am retired and watch EWTN daily.