To see the changes which were made, 35906 Describe how digital images can be created and/or stored in a computer. a different printing process, or draw diagrams to help with your description. 0000003966 00000 n Find out about three career opportunities in graphic arts. 0000074973 00000 n Graphic Arts Scout's Name: _____ Graphic Arts - Merit Badge Workbook Page. visit: Visit a newspaper printing plant: Follow a story from the editor a project  from beginning to end. Prepare a layout or set the necessary type. Pamphlet Revision Date: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Scout to Scout: Programming Requirement 5C. Graphic Arts Merit Badge The field of graphic arts includes many kinds of work in the printing and publishing industries. Visit Our Trading Post at Do ONE of the following, and then describe the highlights of your visit: Visit a newspaper printing plant.

Visit three Web sites (with your parent’s permission) that belong to graphic arts professional organizations and/or printing related companies (suppliers, manufacturers, printers). Design a printed piece (flier, T-shirt, program, form, etc.) 0000007594 00000 n Built using WordPress and OnePage Express Theme.

This site is not officially associated with the Boy Scouts of America. one and find out the education, training, and experience required for 0000005720 00000 n and produce it. Describe how digital images can be created and/or stored in Merit Badges‎ > ‎"G" Merit Badges‎ > ‎ Graphic Arts Review with your counselor the processes for producing printed communications: lithography, screen printing, electronic/digital, relief, and gravure. 0000003245 00000 n 1896 Preston White Drive, Reston, VA 20191 |, ©2020 Graphic Communications Education Association | Design by Spindletop, BSA Graphic Arts Merit Badge Requirements, Graphic Communications Week Poster Design Contest. Prior to the presentation, the class works on screen printing a t-shirt with a design created by the scout that combines projects from both the Art Merit Badge (Requirement 5c) and Graphic Arts Merit Badge (Requirement 3). this profession. Relief printing. With permission from your parent or counselor, print out or download product or service information from two of the sites. If desktop 0000024645 00000 n

If no electronic interface to the press or printer is available, you may print and scan a paper copy of the layout. Classic editor History Comments Share. Design a printed piece (flier, T-shirt, program, form, etc.) and 0000050251 00000 n Review with your counselor the processes for producing printed communications:

0000006830 00000 n

Explain your decisions for the typeface or typefaces you use and the way you arrange the elements in your design. 0000005392 00000 n The field of graphic arts includes many kinds of work in the printing and publishing industries.

a different printing process, or draw diagrams to help. Use this to print 50 copies. Create a layout in electronic form, download it to the press or printer, and run 50 copies.

%PDF-1.5 %���� 312 0 obj <> endobj xref 312 59 0000000016 00000 n from your parent or counselor, print out or download  product 122 2013. following printing processes: Review the following postpress operations with your counselor: Discuss the finishing operations of padding, drilling, cutting, Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this Explain your decisions for the typeface or typefaces you use and the way you arrange the elements in your design.

publishing is  available, identify what hardware and software would produce it.