A buddy check reminds participants of their obligation to monitor their buddies and indicates how closely the buddies are keeping track of each other.
Additional information on various swimming venues is provided in the Aquatics Supervision guide available from local council service centers. Content of training exercises should be appropriate for the age, size, and experience of the participants, and should cover basic skills on calm water of limited extent before proceeding to advanced skills involving current, waves, high winds, or extended distance.
Adult leaders supervising a swimming activity must have completed Safe Swim Defense training within the previous two years. It includes, but is not limited to, slides, swings, mats, logs, rockers, and climbing or bouncing devices. Others revise sections or an entire chapter. Any person possessing, displaying, or using scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) in connection with any Scouting-related activity must be either currently certified by a recognized agency or enrolled in an instructional scuba program, such as Scuba BSA or Scuba Diving merit badge, which must be conducted by an insured recreational diving instructor in good standing with a recognized agency and approved by the council. As safety leaders in Canada, Hydro One and Scouts Canada have teamed up to extend their culture of safety, healthy activity and vibrant family life to communities across the country with our new Head Safe program. They are to be used only in conjunction with council or district activities that meet the current NCAP standards.
This year’s Guide includes several changes and updates. There also has been an increase in incidents, some of them serious. Money-earning projects should be suited to the ages and abilities of youth participants. Novel Coronavirus — September 18, 2020 Update: Explore Scouts Canada’s actions as we continue to follow the direction of government and health agencies in maintaining public health. Motorboats may be operated by youth, subject to state requirements, only when accompanied in the boat by an experienced leader or camp staff member who meets state requirements for motorboat operation. All rappelling activities must be properly belayed (see NCAP standard PS-206). Activities such as camps and outings require approval from a Group Commissioner and for some, parents are asked to sign a consent form. 03/16/12: Added Support for installation to SD card. For example, a Scouts BSA troop at a water park with trained lifeguards on duty need not assign separate unit personnel to perform water rescue. Diving using surface-supplied air systems is not authorized in connection with any BSA activity or facility except when done under contract by commercial divers. Some competitive swimming events, such as triathlons, also cover long distances. Staff members for these types of events are responsible for learning proper setup, operational guidelines, and safety techniques. Review training status of your current adults and ask new leaders to get trained. 0000006989 00000 n
Youth should engage in money-earning projects only in neighborhoods that are safe and familiar and should use the buddy system. The Guide to Safe Scouting is an overview of Scouting policies and procedures gleaned from a variety of sources. Wait at least 30 minutes before resuming activities after the last incidence of thunder or lightning. The policies and guidelines have been established because of the real need to protect members from known hazards that have been identified through 100 years of experience.
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Members of Scouts BSA and Venturers may participate in recreational group dives as unit, district, or council activities, provided such dives are consistent with their certifications and under direct, on-site supervision of a responsible adult currently certified as a divemaster, assistant instructor, or higher rating from a recognized agency.
Lists of group and personal equipment and supplies must be compiled and checked. However, under appropriate circumstances, the unit leader may delegate responsibility to trained individuals within the unit or to on-site professionals for the second and third bulleted points above. Webelos Scouts may not participate in canyoneering activities in ACA Class 3 or higher canyons. Keep it clean, sharp, and handy. Each participant swims with a buddy, and the number and spacing of the swimmers in the water should not exceed the capacity of the watchers to easily count the swimmers as they move from one zone to another. Weight belts may not be worn unless the participant has scuba certification. 704 0 obj
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