Visit the new released site which includes clickable maps and forest-by-forest personnel information, images, and updates. Questions regarding the use of the 4-H Name and Payments to distributors under the Farmers to Families Food Box Program are only made upon the submission of an invoice documenting evidence of delivery and adherence to contractual requirements. Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 12 p.m. (ET) - a webinar to discuss technical details for the Request for Proposals, Tuesday, April 21, 2020 – an informational webinar discussing Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) and providing overview of Farm to Families Food Box Program, Participants: David Tuckwiller, Christopher Purdy, Elizabeth Lober, Hilary Cole, AMS Administrator Discusses Farmers to Families Food Box Program. Each slide presents an image, title, and caption.". The current USDA logo is a combination of the wordmark in dark blue and a stylized depiction of green fields, which seems a perfectly reasonable choice for the Agriculture Department. A green or gold seal and a green ribbon are used on many documents with the impression of the seal. The Seal is used in the USDA History Collection Web site with permission of the Department. The program will supply food boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat products and a combination box of fresh produce, dairy or meat products. from any commercial product message or reference when the media is part of or relates to The USDA Symbol (also sometimes referred to as a logo) was created and approved for use by the Secretary in 1996. Request for Proposal and Applicable Attachments, round one (May 15-June 30) and round two (July 1-August 31). The https:// means all transmitted data is encrypted — in other words, any information or browsing history that you provide is transmitted securely. Secretary Sonny Perdue wants to hear from you about USDA's customer service. Ask USDA. An early, unofficial version of the seal depicted a shock of wheat along with a plow, however, the wheat was replaced by corn in the final rendition. Annual Reports and Directories, Series V. Press Releases and News Clippings, Series VIII. They are expressly excluded from any application that would imply or endorse a commercial product or service. Use our interactive map to find places and activities to enjoy your time outdoors, Read about our people, places and professions, Find your next national forest or grassland destination. Logos for editorial use are suitable to illustrate news articles, but are not cleared for commercial use. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. This slideshow is the main slideshow for the hero portion of the page. National Agricultural Library 10301 Baltimore Avenue Beltsville, MD 20705 301-504-5755, An Illustrated Expedition of North America, Popcorn: Ingrained in America's Agricultural History, Series III. USDA Logo. It has been tested for use across all media. ", United 35.7 million food boxes invoiced in round one (May 15-June 30), 50 million food boxes invoiced in round two (July 1-August 31), 15 million food boxes invoiced in round two extensions (September 1 - September 18), 2.1 million food boxes invoiced in BOA Contracts (September 22 - October 31) The U.S. Congress has legislated responsibility for proper management of the 4-H Name and Emblem to the Secretary and Agriculture, who has delegated that authority to the Division of Youth and 4-H housed at USDA, NIFA. For more information about the use of the Seal or the USDA Symbol, contact the Design Center in the USDA Office of Communications. Tell Sonny. Learn more. NOTE: USDA symbols or logos are intended for official USDA use only. These logos are the most current, department-approved logos. The use of the 4-H Name and Emblem is defined through Section 7 in the Code of federal Regulations, Part 8.