The seasonal calendar shows key elements of the changing seasons in the Torres Strait, such as weather patterns, and key behaviour of … These are generally marked by the appearance of important seasonal stars at dusk and/or dawn that herald these changes.
Do these calendars feature an astronomical component? Food, water, weather? By redirecting your social media traffic to your website, will also help you generate more qualified traffic and leads from your curation work. Aligning Nyoongar seasons with Western calendar months can provide an overview of a typical year.
The acronychal setting (last appearance in the West before setting at dawn) of the Pleiades in October-November coincides with the southerly migration back to Antarctica, with young calves in tow. (2011). Aboriginal Astronomical traditions from Ooldea, South Australia, Part 1: Nyeeruna and ‘The Orion Story’. 2: The changing perspective of the Celestial Emu through the year, each connected to a particular aspect of an overall dreaming narrative connected to the lifecycle of the terrestrial emu and its link to ceremony. Each of the four seasons, Kudilla (Winter), Wilto (Spring), Wolta (Summer) and Parna (Autumn) was accompanied by the appearance of one or more stars in the sky at dusk.4, Fig 1: A seasonal resource calendar for the Walmajarri people of The Kimberley region of Western Australia. Questacon acknowledges Australiaâs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians and first scientists, makers and innovators of this land and their continuing connection to Country.
Syllabus: Geography K-10.
Follow on activity: Students write short sentences about what they do in each of the seasons. If not, why? Teacher will need to model this activity first. Back in the classroom dedicate a wall to that season with pictures that were taken, the art works and drawings. and d’Apollonia, S. (2001) Small group and individual learning with technology: a meta-analysis, Review of Educational Research, 71(3): 449–521. Sign up with Twitter, I don't have a Facebook or a Twitter account. In T, Taylor., C, Fahey., J, Kriewaldt. 151-161. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that the Questacon website may contain images of people who have passed away. Retrieved 7th of April 2016 from. Students might even want to collect some leaves or sticks that they find attractive, which can later be incorporated into an artwork. Identifying seasonal stars in Kaurna astronomical traditions. Along the east coast, they are linked to whale migrations. They relate the flowering and fruiting times of important food and medicinal plants, the timing of animal breeding and insect life cycles, the movement of birds to inland rivers and waterways, and annual whale migrations along the coast.