District of Columbia A graphic on U.S. abortion rates shows larger declines during recent Democratic presidential administrations, and says its due to the party’s approach of making abortions unnecessary, rather than the Republican Party’s approach of making the procedure illegal. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early.”. That was the same day NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a video message that the league would embrace the rights of players to protest racism peacefully.
People commenting on those pages also seemed to have no idea that the story wasn’t real.
But there is no evidence Elway said the quote attributed to him in the Facebook post.


", Another said: "Haven’t watched NFL since this kneeling started and nothing was done about it.

You may have seen articles circulating on Facebook with headlines that claim Denver Broncos General Manager John Elway threatened to fire players if they kneel during the national anthem. stated on September 26, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on September 26, 2020 an Instagram post: stated on September 23, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on September 14, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on September 22, 2020 an Instagram post: stated on September 19, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on September 20, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on August 31, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on September 9, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on September 10, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on September 14, 2020 an Instagram post: stated on September 8, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on September 7, 2020 an Instagram post: stated on September 26, 2020 in a Facebook post: stated on September 27, 2020 in a Facebook post: stated on September 27, 2020 in a speech: stated on September 8, 2020 in a campaign ad: stated on September 26, 2020 in an Instagram post: stated on September 17, 2020 in Campaign mailer: stated on August 23, 2020 in a radio interview: ©All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, “NIKE has stated, ‘We’re a $76 billion dollar company that can afford to let go of all ‘Make America Great Again’ customers.”, John Elway Lays Down The Law: ‘Kneel On My Field And You’re Fired On The Spot’, John Elway on Kneeling for Anthem: 'I'm One That Believes in Standing'. ). “John Elway Lays Down The Law: ‘Kneel On My Field And You’re Fired On The Spot,'” the headlines in the image and the articles read.

An image shared on Facebook claims Denver Broncos General Manager John Elway said, “Kneel on my field and you’re fired on the spot.”.