Amid the pandemic-induced turbulence in global financial markets, the annual growth rate of cross-border claims on EMDEs continued to decline from already low levels (Graph 4, left-hand panel). A summary of the latest available data and current issues across a number of key economic, market and industry variables in Europe. 4 The counterparty sector breakdown in the CBS on an immediate counterparty basis (CBS/IC) is available only for banks' international claims, and not for their local claims in local currency. A summary of the latest available data and current issues across a number of key economic, market and industry variables in the Americas. May 2017 Overall, banks' foreign claims - ie cross-border claims and local claims booked by affiliates abroad (excluding inter-office positions) - grew by $2.4 trillion (on an exchange rate-adjusted basis) in Q1 2020.3. to Tell us about a web accessibility problem. Your browser is not up-to-date. They are compiled following principles that are consistent with balance of payments statistics. It fell to 1.8% as of end-March 2020, down from 2.0% at end-2019 and 3.7% at mid-2019. International banking - About international banking statistics, emerging Europe and on emerging Africa and the Middle East, Against the backdrop of the rapidly escalating Covid-19 pandemic, global cross-border bank claims surged in Q1 2020, to $33 trillion. A summary of the latest available data and current issues across a number of key economic, market and industry variables in North Asia. Monthly review of the industry financial performance. Recovery in cargo volumes has been impacted by capacity constraints. to Mar 2017 Feb 2017 All rights reserved. to Investors can find free real-time quotes, current news, and international market data at All rights reserved. The SDDS was established in 1996 to guide countries seeking access to international capital markets in the dissemination of economic and financial data to the public. Toronto Map, Reference: Monday to Friday, 11 am-5 pmCollection access. Your browser is not up-to-date. (2017-06-01), Q1 1980 Available indicators normally include a country's exchange rates, Fund position, international liquidity, monetary statistics, interest rates, prices, production, labor, international transactions, government accounts, national accounts, and population. The most appropriate exposure measure depends on the issue being analysed. By selecting "Economic Calendar" under the "Market Data" heading, investors can view current and upcoming economic announcements such as the EIA Petroleum Status Report.