Garavito was able to get away with his crimes by moving from town to town, changing his appearance and using fake names or stolen identities. There were genetic factors and he might have been exposed to harmful substances when he was in his mother's womb, affecting his brain, the expert said. Garavito was subjected to physical and sexual abuse from a young age; at least this is what he claimed in interviews after he had been caught. The exact number of Garavito’s victims will never be known, but it could be as high as 400 according to some estimates. Fortunately, it seems as if he will remain in prison for life because Colombian law also states that people who commit crimes against children don’t receive ‘any benefit with justice.’ Therefore, he will probably spend between 60 and 80 years in prison. He was also called Tribilin, the name for the Disney character Goofy. I asked him. He is extremely paranoid and is terrified of being poisoned, so he only accepts food and drinks from people he trusts implicitly. Dr Benecke said: "We always drank coffee. explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. As he cooperated with the police, he reached an arrangement with them whereby he is kept isolated from other prisoners for his safety. Mit Hotel- und Busrechnungen, Telegrammen und Zeugenaussagen kam ihm die Polizei auf die Spur.
He switched the coffee mugs - his and mine - that were brought by staff at our first meetings. Zu Ermittlungen kam es, als in einem Kaffeeanbaugebiet nahe der Stadt Pereira 36 verweste Kinderleichen entdeckt worden waren, die nur oberflächlich auf einem verunkrauteten Grundstück verscharrt waren. Hopefully, Garavito remains behind bars forever.
Wegen Alkoholismus und seelischen Erkrankungen sei er in Behandlung gewesen, da er als suizidgefährdet gegolten haben soll. Polizeichef General Rosso Jose Serrano forderte wie zahlreiche Angehörige der Opfer die Todesstrafe für Garavito, obwohl es diese in Kolumbien nicht gibt. Sometimes they’ll include recommendations for other related newsletters or services we offer. It is the maddest type of bonding imaginable.".
But to the German expert, who once analysed the skulls of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, Garavito was "typical psychopath" putting on a show. On June 8 of that year, a young boy went missing in Boyaca, and his body was found five days later. Da in Kolumbien eine längere Gefängnisstrafe verboten ist, wurde er am 17. As the murders continued, there was a major breakthrough in February 1998 after three boys, aged between 11 and 13, were found dead on a hill outside the town of Genova. His offending was helped by the fact that the authorities did not catch on sooner that a serial killer was at work. But the police were unable to track down Garavito and he claimed more victims.
He chided Dr Benecke for not bringing him an expensive gift.
Since he also cooperated with the police and showed them the location of some of the bodies, his sentence was reduced to 22 years.
Dezember 1999 zu 30 Jahren Haft verurteilt. In recent years, Colombians have increasingly felt that Garavito's sentence was not sufficient punishment for his crimes.
To find work, he had to travel all over Colombia. News, views and top stories in your inbox. It was one of countless horrific stories to emerge when the child sex predator confessed to raping and murdering more than 300 kids between 1992 and 1999, when he was in his 30s and 40s. According to Colombian media, the killer has been diagnosed with terminal leukaemia. However, he cracked under questioning and confessed to dozens of murders. Garavito was physically and sexually abused and neglected when he was a child, having been raped twice by different men. Many were found with their severed genitals placed in their mouths. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. This was enough for the police who released The Beast, and he subsequently murdered a boy four days later. Leben.
For years, the "world's worst serial killer" raped and butchered hundreds of children - leaving clusters of bodies from town to town - without anyone connecting the dots. "He is a typical serial killer who acts out his fantasies. Locked away after being sentenced to a record 1,853 years behind bars in Colombia, the psychopath readily described his vile crimes in gory detail to Dr Mark Benecke, the only forensic scientist he has ever agreed to speak to. Don't miss our must-read newsletter.
Police suspect he has killed close to 400 people in his lifetime. Nach dem Bekanntwerden des Falles entbrannte in dem südamerikanischen Land eine Debatte über das Strafmaß für den Mörder.