1. patriarchal - characteristic of a form of social organization in which the male is the family head and title is traced through the male line
Family: Meaning, Characteristics, Function and Types! Quality: Usage Frequency: 1
My Comments: Based on the above facts, what I surmise is there was a fight between the Tamil migrants in Crete Island; Tamil Minoan (Miinavan) and Tamil Pandion (Pandyan) had fraternal fight like we see in the Mahabharata or later Tamil Sangam Period History. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language? Matriarchy is a social system in which females (most notably in mammals) hold the primary power positions in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property.
Are You Learning English? Reference: Anonymous. Meaning of matriarchal. Adj.
Matriarchy definition: A matriarchy is a system in which power or property is passed from mother to daughter .
These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In English. Meaning: The family is an intimate domestic group made up of people related to one another by bonds of blood, sexual mating or legal ties. Definition of matriarchal in the Definitions.net dictionary. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/patriarchal, The venerable Father Ephraim sat in his easy chair, not only hoary headed and infirm with age, but worn down by a lingering disease, which, it was evident, would very soon transfer his, Without thinking it worth while to explain that in the course of some quarter of a century he had experienced occasional slight fluctuations in his health and spirits, Clennam answered generally that he had never been better, or something equally to the purpose; and shook hands with the possessor of 'that head' as it shed its, The good old man addressed him with the paternal affection and, He was now, I gathered, living partly on his pension, and spoke of this daughter married, this daughter in service here, and that daughter in service there, one son settled in London and another in the States, with something of a, The conseilles de famille is a beautiful and wise provision of the national code, and aids greatly in maintaining that system of, The bread-fruit tree, in its glorious prime, is a grand and towering object, forming the same feature in a Marquesan landscape that the.
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-05-07
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-09-29 Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-09-28
So matriarchy existed in Tamil Stri Rajya at one time.
Patriarchal definition, of or relating to a patriarch, the male head of a family, tribe, community, church, order, etc.
Usage Frequency: 1