Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut proceeded to organize regiments and other military groups with African-American troops. They made up about 15-20% of the white male population. Title: Patriots vs. Loyalists
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© 1996-2020 Historycentral. However, many others were abandoned in the South to re-enslavement, and a few were transported to plantations in the British West Indies as slaves. The class will then discuss the breakdown of Patriots and Loyalists in the SC backcountry and how the siege at Star Fort in Ninety-Six was representative of this breakdown. Some fought in the military, while others served on the civilian front. In November of 1775, after numerous black minutemen and other African-Americans had already given their lives and service to the United States, General Washington forbade blacks to enlist in the military.

The Revolution tore families, states, and communities up.

{{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons One of the most important heroes, however, was Haym Salomon who, along with Robert Morris, helped finance the American Revolution. © copyright 2003-2020 Study.com. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Many colonists were confused - both sides seemed right and wrong. This is the response he received: 'Nothing has ever hurt me so much and affected me with such keen Sensations, as to find myself deserted in my old Age by my only Son; and not only deserted, but to find him taking up Arms against me, in a Cause, wherein my good Fame, Fortune and Life were all at Stake….Your Situation was such that few would have censured your remaining (neutral), tho' there are Natural Duties which precede political ones, and cannot be extinguish'd by them.'. Colonists had a lot of conflicting loyalties and legitimate fears. Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school.

The English were split as to whether they would support George the King or George Washington. Patriots vs Loyalists.

Those men who chose to continue supporting the king, like William Franklin, were called Loyalists, or Tories. Speaker D: As governor of this Loyalists vs Patriots The Arguments Loyalists 1.A strong unified British Empire is good for all 2.Colonist are British subjects and should obey British law 3.Taxes are due to pay for the French & Indian War which was fought to protect the colonies 4.American colonies would be weak without Britain 5.Colonies profit from trade with England Explain the factors that influenced the colonists' decision to remain loyal to the crown (Loyalist), or to join the Patriot cause for independence. Married women generally chose the same side as their husbands.