The amount of each ingredient is expressed as a percent of the total flour weight used in the dough formulation. stream Satisfy any pizza craving with this quick and easy low FODMAP no-rise pizza crust! What is your favorite combination of pizza cheeses? I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with low FODMAP pizza. Only San Marzano tomatoes are to be used for the sauce which is always fresh and never cooked before being applied to the pizza. This formula allows you to figure out how much dough to use for any size pan. << /Contents 11 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 20 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G0 21 0 R >> /Font << /F0 22 0 R /F1 25 0 R /F2 28 0 R >> /ProcSets [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] >> /Type /Page >> To explain a bit. Fresh mozzarella is the star of Margherita pizzas, but even with the freshest San Marzano tomatoes and special-ordered 00 flour for the dough, pizzas topped with fresh mozzarella alone can sometimes fall flat. Re-cover one ball with the oiled plastic wrap. Squish the dough ball down with your hands and gently work it into a pizza shape. J0�ˬ��qpؒ�;4�X`=�Eg~����%S�t�d)^jS߸v�$r[.x\��>������vd�`E�� Divide the dough into two sections and roll them into two balls. Makes enough sauce for 2 medium pizzas. 7 0 obj number of doughballs: doughball weight [g]: pizza diameter: hydration [%]: hint. P.S. Use a rasp grater, like a Microplane, to shower the slices with pieces of cheese that melt immediately onto the golden crust and melted cheese. Set the other ball on a lightly floured surface. She loves maple syrup, coffee and board games. 6 0 obj �2/�CHզ� IDМez�S�K�:3�4�gN�ÿ͎(�e�i��B Preheat oven to 350 degrees. If so, then the only thing between you and the perfect pizza is the cheese. Gently transfer the dough to a piece of parchment paper and lightly brush the top of the dough with the remaining olive oil. Add to flour mixture and work the dough into a ball (heads up, the dough will be pretty sticky). This recipe doesn't have any yeast. u����L�)h VҚ-���o�% *���4B���V�+�j�@m��1G�� }tzh��i�~����K�m��mq���;#�(��`Cw��������II�a�������Ŭ+̝3�*1�;A�9s,��ϲ\p��F���m���/�fJ�pv�+���Z�jw�jg��|Ꮌ�~H�qx4j� 4�i=��eBmh��"��2�!,��ғ�rp�5�=��5��Ⓝ�/d/�C��\�*�--9e#T�8>����٤����2{�#`@�%�H�=��>�Ķ(��J�5�����
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