I think we in the church have treated it differently than we've treated anything else. We want God's extra-niceness confined to deserving cases such as, for example, us, and a reliable process of judgment put in place which will ensure that the child-murderers are ripped apart with red-hot tongs. — Richard Rohr, When you voice your disagreement, begin by talking about what you have in common with the person you are arguing with. Good judgement comes from experience.
Author: Eric Fellner. That is it. Sometimes, experience comes from bad judgement.
— Marianne Faithfull, It slightly worries me that when people find a problem, they rush to judgment of what to do. It makes a fair trial hard to get. — Janet Yellen, All men of talent, whether they be men of feeling or not; whether they be zealots, or aspirants, or despots--provided only they be sincere--have their sublime moments, when they subdue and rule. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. This is a space of encouragement for all of us beloved of Jesus Christ. There's always such a rush to judgment. And I have changed. I felt veneration for St. John--veneration so strong that its impetus thrust me at once to the point I had so long shunned. Our judgment is so easy to reach for. Good judgement comes from experience. Do not wait for the last judgement, it takes place every day. Don't rush ahead to unfounded conclusions about someone you've just met. If we meet people in the flesh, we wouldn’t say the same things in person that can easily be posted from a computer.
There is prayer, a noose, and a few last words. — Francis Spufford, There is a constant rush to judgment in Foucault. To have yielded then would have been an error of principle; to have yielded now would have been an error of judgment. I hadnt had sex ever.
It makes a fair trial hard to get. The job does not provide the same satisfaction that an ordinary murderer gets from smashing a skull. So I think at this hour, when I look back to the crisis through the quiet medium of time: I was unconscious of folly at the instant — Charlotte Bronte, Here where we are concerned not with the dogma of Scripture and the Corycian cavern only, but in very truth with the awful secrets of the Divine Majesty (namely, why he works in the way we have said), here you smash bolts and bars and rush in all but blaspheming, as indignant as possible with God because you are not allowed to see the meaning and purpose of such a judgment of his. — Matthew Kelly, There's always such a rush to judgment. Votes: 4 It makes a fair trial hard to get. I only ask that in the meantime people not rush to judgment.
— Dodinsky, I think that there's going to be a rush to judgment on civil liberties, and a clamping down, a suspension of our democratic rights. — J.K. Rowling, I think we've made it a golden idol. We want justice, dammit, if not in this world then in the next. The prisoner then experiences a sudden rush of blood to the head. People have changed. I was a fool both times. You don't really do faith, it happens to you when you give up control and all the steering of your ship.
Just took my time 'cuz sometimes it's just rush, rush, rush. — Elizabeth Wurtzel, Life has changed. It is a job for a humanitarian. When it comes to judgment, most of us don't have to rush.