Strictly going on all of the Biblical based evidence we have collected up to this point (and we’ve done this directly from The Traditional King James Holy Bible), we should now begin to see things much more clearly from this point onward, we may now begin to see something special unfolding here as well, something concerning how the archangel Lucifer was exclusively created by God, but for a very particular reason in mind that conflicts with today’s very best theological thinking minds of our times. In light of this impending end, many turned to a renewed understanding of the beginning, and the Garden of Eden was re-read—and re-written—to reflect the changing ideas of a changed world. How pathetically sad that supposed learned scholars deny the very existence of a personal devil–and they are “biblical scholars!” Didn’t Jesus Himself believed in a personal devil? While we begin to see the first idea occurring in texts two centuries before the New Testament, the second won’t happen until later; Eden’s serpent is not identified with Satan anywhere in the Hebrew Bible or New Testament. He is a fallen angel, he is a spirit: Ephesians 6:10-12 Psalm 74 describes the crushing of his heads, alluding to the defeat of the Egyptians at the Red Sea, using the language of Genesis 3:15. Another important evidence can be derived from the Ebla materials. Just as Hell is also not found in Jewish tradition; in fact, Hell is bastardized from Greek traditions. Vision unfolding itself within the utility mirror’s reflection. No mention is made, of them being Satanists. (1 Ki. If this is a prophecy of Jesus, and it seems to be, then it isn’t talking about a normal snake, but about Satan. Furthermore, absolutely no one on planet earth today fully understands exactly how it all was first intended to workout for that misunderstood fallen archangel of God called, Lucifer; and also, not many fully understands how God personally chose the archangel Lucifer to personally interact within the deep political, social, and religious affairs of mankind, and Satan was there in the Garden of Eden attempting to strongly motivate (Adam and Eve first) and afterwards all of mankind into gaining that same freedom of self will God had in mind the whole time.
Thank you as always to the eternal beloveds of our hearts: the team of scribes who made this possible! The action is great, the cast of characters diverse and full of potential for future hijinks. Satan’s appearance before God in the book of Job seems to be an exception rather than the normal routine, so much so that not only does the author say that the angels came and Satan came too, but that God confronted him specifically. The synagogue of Satan. WHY IS SATAN ON PLANET EARTH…? In Job, “the satan” is a member of God’s heavenly council—one of the divine beings, whose role in Job’s story is to be an “accuser,” a status acquired by people in ancient Israel and Mesopotamia for the purposes of particular legal proceedings. God brought the animals to Adam to SEE what he would call them. In addition, God’s revelation has always been progressive in which he wants mankind to learn one truth before they learn another that build upon that first truth. The first Divine Law had been broken. That's how this story felt to me.