the dictionary.
Which Preposition to Use After Verb in English Grammar? I thought it was a poem to drag or let drag along the ground or other surface; draw or drag along behind. We're sorry, our database couldn't found the history of trails.

about everything."

Trails Definition of Trails - and meaning in English & Bangla Online Dictionary. All Rights Reserved. Trial meaning in Bengali - বিচার, যাচাই; | English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. --Steven Wright, Post-traumatic stress disorder বা দুর্ঘটনা পরবর্তী মানসিক ব্যাধি হলো একটি মানসিক স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থা যা একটি ভীতিজনক ঘটনা দ্বারা উদ্দীপ্ত হয় - হয় এটির অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে বা প্রত্যক্ষভাবে দেখার কারণে ।, Pervasive Developmental Disorders বা ব্যপ্তিশীল বিকাশজনিত ব্যাধিসমূহ সামাজিকীকরণ এবং যোগাযোগ দক্ষতার বিকাশের ক্ষেত্রে বিলম্বের দ্বারা চিহ্নিত এক ধরনের রোগকে বোঝায়।, Mental Health Services বা মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য সেবাগুলি একজন ব্যক্তির বা গোষ্ঠীর মানসিক অসুস্থতা, উপসর্গ, শর্ত বা ব্যাধি দূর করতে সহায়তা করার জন্য একটি পেশাদার সম্পর্কের ক্ষেত্রে মূল্যায়ন, রোগ নির্ণয়, চিকিত্সা বা পরামর্শ হিসাবে সংজ্ঞায়িত হয়।. TRIAL meaning in bengali, TRIAL pictures, TRIAL pronunciation, TRIAL translation,TRIAL definition are included in the result of TRIAL meaning in bengali at, a free online English bengali Picture dictionary. to be drawn or dragged along the ground or some other surface, as when hanging from something moving: to stream from or float after something moving, as dust, smoke, and sparks do.

to hold a rifle in the right hand at an oblique angle, with the muzzle forward and the butt a few inches off the ground. Her long bridal gown trailed across the floor.

ইংরেজি ও বাংলা অনলাইন অভিধান | Trails Definition at to change gradually or wander from a course, so as to become weak, ineffectual, etc.

Find the Trails Meaning in Bengali, See the defination of this word "Trails".You may understand "Trails meaning in Bengali" from defination at English to Bangla online dictionary. to bring or have floating after itself or oneself: to follow the track, trail, or scent of; track.

ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a … Trail meaning in Bengali - চলার চিহ্ন ; পদাঙ্ক অনুসরণ ; হেঁচরাইয়া লয়ে যাওয়া ; টানিয়া লম্বা হওয়া; tracking ; draw along the ground ; be drawn out in length| English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. Copyright © 2020 We'll update soon this trails's Example in our database. Thank you for visiting our English to Bengali dictionary. the track, scent, or the like, left by an animal, person, or thing, especially as followed by a hunter, hound, or other pursuer.

to fish by trailing a line from a moving boat; troll.

MCQ Question and Answer of Previous BCS Exam, Preposition to use After Adjective and Participles in English Grammar, Important Vocabulary from Daily Star Newspaper., Copyright © 2020. something that is trailed or that trails behind, as the train of a skirt or robe. to follow along behind (another), as in a race.

ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us. (usually followed by. Tags: trial meaning in bengali, trial ka matalab bengali Browse English Dictionary for meaning in Hindi, (law) legal proceedings consisting of the judicial examination of issues by a competent tribunal, (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications, (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law, an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event. to tread down or make a path through (grass or the like). Trailer meaning in Bengali - লতা; আনুগমিক; আগামী ছবির নমুনা হিসাবে প্রদর্শিত খণ্ড চলচ্চিত্র; যে গাড়িকে অন্য গাড়ি টানে; ; climber; | English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary.

a stream of dust, smoke, light, people, vehicles, etc., behind something moving. Which Preposition to use after Nouns in English Grammar. We'll update soon trails word Origin & History in our database.