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Dues for new scouts are $120 per scout and include a "Class B" t-shirt. Alex has earned a total of 23 merit badges. He is a member of the Future Business Leaders of America at River Hill. Thank you.Next weekend is our backyard spring camping trip.
His grandfather, of Brookeville, who earned his Eagle Scout rank in 1956, was there to witness this honor. We apologize for the inconvenience. Zion United Methodist Church in Highland. @�!�XYi&�>�m��q����M
If you are shopping this week and can pickup some pasta, please do. As coronavirus rolls on in Maryland, mental health toll surges, with experts fearing spike in suicides, Five Things We Learned from the Ravens’ 34-20 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs, Mike Preston: Ravens' blowout loss to Chiefs the kind that scars teams for entire season | COMMENTARY, Mike Preston’s report card: Position-by-position-grades for Ravens’ 34-20 loss to Chiefs | COMMENTARY, Ocean City officials defend large-scale police response to ‘H20i’ car rally: ‘Ugly at times ... but the plan worked’, Chiefs crush Ravens in prime time, 34-20, as Patrick Mahomes steals the show, After ambassadors push Poland to protect LGBT rights, its leaders push back: ‘Nobody needs to teach us tolerance’, Baltimore County Council considering restrictions on hemp farms, Instant analysis: Ravens lose to Chiefs, 34-20, ending 14-game regular-season winning streak. I am very excited to kick off the Pack 702 fishing derby for this summer! Sykesville Troop 883 combined with an Arlington, VA troop to grab 2nd place among BAC units. Virtual Pack Meeting - Next Weekend - 6PM. Boy Scout Troop 702, established in 1983, has seen 57 of its scouts attain the Eagle Scout rank.
The maryland food bank is completely out of pasta for those in need. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Garrett Fulton of National Pike Troop 702 from Highland was the top BAC orienteer this year out of 480 scouts, finishing a very close second to a Arlington, VA scout in the super-competitive advanced category, just two places above his troop-mate Brad Hoffman. We will deliver food to the Mt. He is also a member of the National Honor Society. 4 0 obj
Your Unit Website will be available shortly. At the spring concert in May, the orchestra performed the world premiere of "Stars," which was commissioned by RHS specifically for the orchestra. Please send me pictures of any 30-day scouting accomplishments as well as the food pantry drop off so we can share at the next virtual pack meeting. Isn't it amazing how circumstances work out? He is David Bacon and he has a master's degree in music from James Madison University and a bachelor's degree in music from the University of Delaware. Take some time this weekend to talk to your scout about planning your trip including setting up a tent and planning meals. On May 24at a Court of Honor conducted at Mt. His Eagle Project involved the design and construction of three prize wheels to be used as educational tools for the Howard County Conservancy. �|qu)�7� �$
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The Fulton Elementary School Kids for Character for May are Ricky Reddy, kindergarten; Jack Holmes, first grade; Sora Park, second grade; Alana Leak, third grade; Xavier Arvelo, fourth grade; and Matthew Macapagal, fifth grade. A call to a grandparent, a card to a friend, or a kind note written on the sidewalk can brighten someone's day. at 4 pm to submit what you catch to the flipgrid. The troop meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9 pm at Mt. � {yWMW�_㻰"[.�mb���$l E���s�a��2���oµ�� ����%��9\[9e� �+�x��"]�^�TG�
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