By participating on the site, you are agreeing not to publish. There is little point in making the same, Si bien hay algunos comediantes nuevos, suelen, After all evidence had been presented, the Court established that with his acts - performing religious rituals together with his followers, in his parents' apartment and issuing and distributing the religious calendar for 2004, he grossly an. la SINA y de los mercenarios a su servicio en nuestro país. In Ihrem Browser ist Javascript deaktiviert. Efectivamente la Liturgia se hizo así más asequible al Pueblo; aunque, The Liturgy was made more accessible to the People; though, at the same time, it was, La raza humana sólo admira lo insólito y lo, extraordinario; cosa fácilmente explicable si se considera que, The human race only admires what is unusual and, extraordinary; which is easily explained when one considers that what is, mitad dejaban de serlo y poco a poco se convertían en culebras. It means, ‘stupid dick’. threatening or any other messages that would violate the law. Spanish is a language that tends to embrace swear words wholeheartedly, with many sentences peppered with expletives that might be deemed inappropriate in other languages. Referring to the nether regions of anyone’s mother is never advisable, but this phrase, popular in South America, quaintly substitutes ‘vagina’ for the euphemistic ‘sea shell’ (concha). This phrase, unfortunately, means that you’ll never look at the white stuff in quite the same way again. Last but not least, a simple swear word, but one you are likely to hear everywhere in Spain. of USINT and the mercenaries at its service in our country. para los sectores más pobres de la población. Hier können Sie uns Verbesserungen dieses PONS-Eintrags vorschlagen: We are using the following form field to detect spammers. We don’t quite know what Spaniards have against asparagus, but this phrase, that literally means, ‘Go fry asparagus’ is used to mean, ‘Go fuck yourself’. Iorga creía que era el maestro de la nación. their heads seemed to hold the ceiling up. ‘Son of a thousand whores’ is a phrase you might shout at someone who has annoyed you. This very descriptive way of calling someone ugly means that they have a face like the back of a fridge. Ihre Nachricht wurde jetzt an die PONS-Redaktion übermittelt. believed himself to be the teacher of the nation. The Spanish C-word is used liberally by almost everyone in Spain and simply does not seem to have the same seriousness as it has in English. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. En la actualidad no se dispone de información adecuada para determinar el tratamiento, There is inadequate information available at present to ascertain the optimal therapy, El Gobierno Revolucionario ha dado una lección de ecuanimidad, firmeza y estricto apego a las. If you want to show your displeasure at someone, you could do a lot worse in Spain than yelling, ‘I hope you get fucked by a fish.’ It’s a pretty good insult in our book. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "vulgar" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. simultáneamente en cualquier otra parte del cuerpo. of the species either in the local language and/or the English translation. The Revolutionary government has provided a lesson in equanimity, firmness and strict. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Download the infographic and share. But there are also some swear words and phrases that could get you into trouble. While English has quaint phrases such as, ‘not on your nelly’, to mean ‘no way’, Spaniards get a little more creative, instead exclaiming, ‘Your whore mum on a bike!’ We’re not sure what the bike has to do with it, but it definitely provides an interesting mental image. en lo relativo a las funciones corporales. Open menu. We are sorry for the inconvenience. habitara aparte en una excelencia innata, una persona muy, dwelt apart in native excellence, a person much, Aunque cada persona y cada pueblo tiene derecho a una vida sana y a disfrutar el privilegio de una existencia prolongada y útil, las sociedades más ricas y desarrolladas, dominadas por el afán de lucro. Frequently, words borrowed directly from literary Latin at some later date, rather than evolved within Vulgar Latin, are found side by side with the evolved form. Die gesammelten Vokabeln werden unter "Vokabelliste" angezeigt. The United States has more Spanish speakers than Spain, where the language originated. Many English speaking Americans choose to learn Spanish. Joder simply means ‘fuck’ and is used as an exclamation for many different situations. This innocent word for female fox can also be used to refer to female genitalia in Chile.